Project Palace – A Twine Game I Made.

Late last year, as part of my Writing for Interactive Narritives class, I had to make a game in Twine. This is that game:  Project Palace is a sci-fi twine game that has you go through the experience of being captured by enemy forces as a prisoner of war.

I don’t want to say anything more as it is a short experience, so it’s hard to not spoil it if you’re not careful.

For anyone who does not know: Twine is a text-based game creation tool that enables you to make choose-your-own-adventure games using modified HTML and CSS code. This particular story was made using Twines’ Sugarcube 2.34.1 story format. If you want to experiment with making your own Twine games, you can do so for free by downloading Twine here.

If you would like to Project Palace, you can do so on the game’s page.

Writer/Twine Programmer/Sound Editor – Asher Trigg
Voice for The Chip – Maeskye Trigg

Please go support my sister, she draws awesome stuff!

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